
Our beautiful garden is available for hire for your next function, see below for details.

Rules and Conditions of Hire Policy

Thank you for expressing an interest in using the facilities provided by Port Macquarie Community Gardens.

Our garden is a wonderful community resource, and we ask that you value and care for it.

Hire inclusions

While the Community Garden is a basic facility, your hire will include:

  • Use of the spaces available at the garden to hold a private or public event

  • Use of kitchen and available equipment (two gas hobs available)

  • Use of compost toilet (not wheelchair accessible)

  • Use of pizza oven (subject to conditions and at extra cost)

Please note that the Community Garden is an unpowered site, with no electricity grid connection

Sale of goods

Retail or commercial related activities are not permitted however selling goods to raise funds for community-based projects can occur with the prior written consent of the Community Garden Committee. Evidence of not-for-profit status will be required.

Maximum booking numbers

The Community Garden can accommodate a maximum number of 40 persons for a hire event. Higher numbers may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please note that numbers may be further limited by government requirements which may be imposed from time to time (e.g. Covid-19 pandemic), and hirers must adhere to all current government requirements.

Hours of operation

7am – 9pm: No function/event shall start before 7am or continue past 9pm.

Noise from the activity

Noise emitted from the Community Garden must not be audible from any residential premises.


Smoking is not permitted at the Community Garden at any time.


Responsible consumption of alcohol is permitted on a bring-your-own basis and as per Australian government guidelines [Alcohol | NHMRC].

Responsibility of hirers

  • Allow time for set up and cleaning after a function

  • Leave premises including kitchen in a clean and tidy state

  • Remove all rubbish from the premises

  • Lock the compost toilet door, kitchen cupboard doors, and shut entrance gates

  • Report any damage to the Garden Manager or Secretary

  • Return the keys to the nominated person within 24 hours following the day of the function

Loss of or damage to property or injury

The Community Garden has identified a number of risks to persons and their property, including trip and fall hazards, flame/heat risks and fauna (e.g. snakes and spiders). Hirers must conduct a risk assessment prior to every event and take all appropriate steps to identify and manage risks to persons present at the event.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Community Garden and its members accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to any property belonging to the hirer or persons attending the function, nor for any personal injury sustained during or incidental to the hiring of the Community Garden. The hirer is liable for costs associated with making good any damage caused to buildings, fittings, furniture and other installations arising out of their use of the Community Garden.

For public functions, organisers are responsible for ensuring they have appropriate insurance. This may

include events insurance, professional indemnity, products liability etc.

Access to the facility

(Minimum 2 weeks’ notice needs to be given to the Community Garden Committee to request the hire of the garden)

The hirer must collect the kitchen and toilet key on a Thursday or Saturday morning (during the regular working bee) between 9am – 12pm Winter, 8-11am Summer, or make other arrangements.

Hire fees and bonds

All bookings will be considered on a case by case basis.

The cost of hiring the facility:

  • Garden Member $30 (for private events)

  • Non-government organisation (e.g. community groups) - $60

  • Business or non-member person - $150

  • Regular hire will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with a fee for each occasion to be determined

  • Hire of PA System for Community Organisations hiring venue: Deposit $100, $50 returned on return of PA in pre hire condition (approval required from the Community Garden Committee for PA hire)

  • Use of pizza oven: An additional cost of $50 per hire (approval from the Community Garden Committee required for use of pizza oven)

  • Should a hirer wish to have a Community Garden person present to assist with use of the pizza oven at the event, the cost will be a further $50.

A bond of $200 will be payable with all hire applications. The bond is refundable if the site is left in a clean and undamaged condition, and other rules (including hours of operation or excessive noise) have been www.pmcg.org.au adhered to. This will be determined by the Community Garden Committee nominee. The bond will be returned within two weeks of the hire date. The hirer further agrees to pay for any cleaning or rectification of damage, not covered by the amount of the bond(s).

Payment of fees and bonds are to be made at the time of booking (once date availability confirmed), by electronic funds

transfer to:

Port Macquarie Community Garden

ACCOUNT NO: 516 625 001

BSB: 650-000

Acceptance of Conditions

All hirers are required to complete an application form and sign a waiver agreeing to conduct all activities at their own risk. Application form available on the website with this hire policy. The payment by any person of any amount of rental for the hire of the facility shall be deemed an acknowledgment and acceptance by such person of the conditions set out herein.

Conflict of Hire

In the event of any dispute or difference arising as to the interpretation of the conditions contained in this agreement, the decision of the Community Garden committee shall be final.

Apply to Hire The Garden

Please fill in our form and return by email: info@thelostplot.org.au

© 2023 The Lost Plot Community Garden Port Macquarie
Website by Webhead
